Monday, June 23, 2008


I have to share this. Jesus has shared with me the cure to temptation...seriously. Its quite simple all you have to do is get more hungry for Jesus than whatever you are tempted with. Stir up your hunger for Jesus and you will will see temptation flee. If you are more hungry for Jesus than anything in the world it is a sheildthat nothing can penetrate. How can satan temt you if all you want is Jesus? He has no power over you. One way to overcome temptation and stir yourself up to seek God in the times of temptation is to write down goals. For example I want to be a freind of God and if I want that more than anything else I will choose it rather than choosing the sin.
Also I was recently vindicated by reading romans, when evil thoughts and desires come my way I just say our loud that "I am dead to sin," "sin does not have authority over my mortal body," "I am dead to sin,"! The truth will set you free! Halleluiah!
Anyway have fun overcoming the devil

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