Saturday, June 14, 2008

My First Entry

Hey whoever you are who is reading this! This is Louis' blog the place where I pour out my heart and see what happens. I asked God for the gift of being honest yesturday and I actually felt it being placed inside me... I cant explain it but I felt it. So by the grace of God Im going to try to write on here current revelations and thoughts and meditations. If nobody reads it thats alright because I know that Jesus you will read it Im in awe that you are so interested in my life Lord That you are so interested in me? What is Louis that you think of Him......
I pray you will have revelation that God is interested in you and that Hes calling you by name I ask that the Father would fill that void of rejection in you as He has done in me. I pray that you would not look around you but you would look up. That you woulr see Jesus on the cross every time that the world makes you feel like your not good enough that you would remember and see clearly that His death His anguish was to make you beutiful whoever you are. Jesus makes u beutiful

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